Category Archives: HOW TO’S

How To Import/Export Bookmarks [Part 2]

          Now, Let’s see how to manage bookmarks in Internet Explorer. IE provides a wizard to export bookmarks which is user-friendly.

Exporting Bookmarks:
  • Open Internet explorer and click on Favorites. Click on down-arrow which is situated next to Add to Favorites, and select Import and Export.
  • Click on Export to a file and you can see a wizard opened where you can export bookmarks into a HTML file. Continue reading

How To Import/Export Bookmarks [Part 1]

          Importing and Exporting bookmarks is a good feature to save your favorites and to retrieve them. The import and export facility is available in all most all the major browsers. This facility helps you to move across the browser’s without loosing your favorites. Let’s see how to Import/Export bookmarks on major browser’s.Google Chrome:
     Exporting Bookmarks: Continue reading

How To Boot From An USB Device | How To Make A Pendrive Bootable

          It’s been a long time updating the blog. Here is a new post for those who need to boot their system from a USB device. This is an useful technique in case of booting a netbook or if there is no resource to insert a CD/DVD. First thing you need to do is preparing a bootable USB.

How to make a bootable USB device:
          There are many tools like “windows 7 usb/dvd download tool” and “gburner” available to make an USB device into bootable.

          Here i am going to use “windows 7 usb/dvd download tool” to make USB device bootable. you can download the tool from this link: windows 7 usb/dvd download tool

          1. Download and install the tool and launch it after installation. Browse and select the image file of windows and click on “next”.

          2. In the next step you need to select “USB device”.

          3. Now, you need to select the target USB drive and click on “Begin copying”. This is what the final step in making the USB device bootable. In the 4th step you need to do nothing else than waiting until the process reaches to 100%.

         4. When the USB drive is ready, connect it to the required system and start it. Now, you can see the system booting from the USB device.

NOTE: Make sure that the First bootable device is “USB HDD”.

How To Run PHP On LocalHost

          PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is one of the majorly used server side scripting languages. PHP provides many features and allows us to build dynamic web pages. As PHP is server side scripting language, it is difficult to build directly by hosting the files in a paid server. It will be good to build PHP webpages in the localhost with the help of an application which is capable of executing PHP. The possibility to run PHP in localhost is by installing PHP compiler from in your local computer which is a difficult task. There is another method to make PHP run on your local machine’s. It’s by installing an application called XAMPP.

          Installing XAMPP is as easier as clicking a button. XAMPP provides both PHP & MYSQL servers.

          You can download XAMPP application from here. If any queries about installing and executing PHP files, feel free to ask in the comments section.

How To Reduce Size Of Raw Images

          Photography, an Art of creating an Art. Here is a tip for the starters. Raw images may be in huge size. Picasa is a good tool to convert or reduce raw image size’s. In this post i am going to teach you how to reduce image size using picasa.

          1. The first step you need to do is to download and install picasa.

          2. If already imported, Select pictures whose size is to be reduced else import pictures and select files.
          3. After selecting, click on “file” tab and select “export picture to folder” option.
          4. Now, you can see a window opened in which you can select “size to be reduced” and folder in which files are to be exported. It is also possible to select image quality in that window. The window is shown below.

          5. Click on “Export” button and now you can find the pictures exported to the specified folder with reduced size.