Author Archives: srujan

Google Providing Wi-Fi For Free At O-Zone Hotspots

         Google announced the launch of free Wi-Fi at all O-Zone hotspots. O-Zone Networks Pvt. Limited was launched to provide mobility solutions and wireless internet service across the country. Google ties up with this network company to provide the free Wi-Fi internet service. They have initiated this service to increase mobile internet user’s providing access to google+ and youtube which works on their portable devices.

          This service is expected to be launched by this weekend and is available at all the O-Zone Wi-Fi hotspots. The users will have unlimited access to google+ and they can watch videos for 10 minutes Continue reading

The Upgrade Of Aakash Tablet To Ubislate 7

           The present Aakash tablet is little bit not compatible to run all types of applications due to its small processor. Not only the application compatibility, it’s video performance is also not upto the mark and it is imperfect in some other attributes also. The above are the reasons that made the company to upgrade Aakash to Ubislate 7. Continue reading

Blackberry | Connect To Internet Without Blackberry’s service

          Here is a trick to connect to internet on your blackberry without using any type of Blackberry’s service. It cost’s a little much amount to activate an internet pack on your blackberry through the network provider’s. All you need to do is changing the APN on your device. Please note that, the trick allows you to access internet through opera browser and you can connect your device to PC even. The main disadvantage in this trick is, Applications are not allowed to connect to internet. Continue reading

Auto Expo – Chennai (21-oct-2011)

          This is the video of auto expo which was conducted in chennai on 22-oct-2011. There were many cars, bikes and some other accessories related to automobiles. That was a nice show and they provided a lot of details about many companies of car’s.

          I have covered some of the bikes and cars in this video. See and enjoy it…

Windows 8 booting in seconds

          Last night i installed windows 8 on my system and i was shocked to see it starting up in seconds. The graphical interface is ultimate which gave me an excellent experience while using it. It’s some what tough to explain with words, i have recorded a video of it and it is here for you.

          The start menu was fully changed and in the explorer they have provided a ribbon on the top which consists of options like copy, paste and many more. This options in the ribbon allows a faster access. and one more thing i observed is “you can pause and resume while copying files”. What not?? everything is integrated in windows 8 and they are still working on it to provide even more features.

          Download windows 8 from this link:

          If you have any problems with installation, feel free to mail me or comment to this post. I will try to give you a solution.

How To Boot From An USB Device | How To Make A Pendrive Bootable

          It’s been a long time updating the blog. Here is a new post for those who need to boot their system from a USB device. This is an useful technique in case of booting a netbook or if there is no resource to insert a CD/DVD. First thing you need to do is preparing a bootable USB.

How to make a bootable USB device:
          There are many tools like “windows 7 usb/dvd download tool” and “gburner” available to make an USB device into bootable.

          Here i am going to use “windows 7 usb/dvd download tool” to make USB device bootable. you can download the tool from this link: windows 7 usb/dvd download tool

          1. Download and install the tool and launch it after installation. Browse and select the image file of windows and click on “next”.

          2. In the next step you need to select “USB device”.

          3. Now, you need to select the target USB drive and click on “Begin copying”. This is what the final step in making the USB device bootable. In the 4th step you need to do nothing else than waiting until the process reaches to 100%.

         4. When the USB drive is ready, connect it to the required system and start it. Now, you can see the system booting from the USB device.

NOTE: Make sure that the First bootable device is “USB HDD”.

Get Back Facebook’s Old Chat Interface

          Facebook is updating its interface day by day and one of  the change’s is the new chat interface which is not as effective as that of older one. However the change may be, I felt it as a great drawback for the page and I thought, we lost it. Unfortunately there was a plugin which enables the older interface.

          This is how the older chat interface look’s like:

          And the changed one look’s like this:

To get the older interface you need to install the below plugin and refresh your page. Now you will see the older chat interface loaded.

      For Firefox:

      For Chrome:

      And for IE i didnt find one yet, i will be informing you if i find any plugin.

How To Run PHP On LocalHost

          PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is one of the majorly used server side scripting languages. PHP provides many features and allows us to build dynamic web pages. As PHP is server side scripting language, it is difficult to build directly by hosting the files in a paid server. It will be good to build PHP webpages in the localhost with the help of an application which is capable of executing PHP. The possibility to run PHP in localhost is by installing PHP compiler from in your local computer which is a difficult task. There is another method to make PHP run on your local machine’s. It’s by installing an application called XAMPP.

          Installing XAMPP is as easier as clicking a button. XAMPP provides both PHP & MYSQL servers.

          You can download XAMPP application from here. If any queries about installing and executing PHP files, feel free to ask in the comments section.

Fun!! – Rotate Your Display To What Ever The Side You Like

          Either you need to rotate your desktop’s screen for fun or you need to rotate it for some purpose, here are the ways which make it possible. I had come across 2 methods to rotate screen. Note that this trick works only on some versions of windows.

           1. Right click on your desktop, and choose “Graphics options” > “Graphic Properties”.
           2. Now you can see a popup window opened and select “Rotation” tab in that window.

           3. Finally, choose the type of rotation you need, apply the changes and you can see your desktop screen rotated.

          1. The second method is by using shortcut keys.
          2. ctrl + alt + right arrow =>  Rotates 90′ clockwise.

          3. ctrl + alt + left arrow => Rotates 90′ anticlockwise.

          4. ctrl + alt + down arrow => Reverse Screen.

          5. ctrl + alt + up arrow => Normal screen.

          Have fun rotating the desktop’s screen…

Samsung Launching It’s New Galaxy Tab Next Week

          The release of new Galaxy tab was announced to be in the next week. This Tab is expected to be a beater of Apple Ipad 2 comparing to its thickness. Actually, This Galaxy  tab 10.1 is thinner than the older version and even thinner than the apple ipad2. The device supports resolution upto 1280*800 and runs on 1GHz Dual-core Processor.

          The processor being dual-core, enables high support for gaming, video playback and multi-tasking. While coming to the display, its 10.1 touch-screen which provides the users a fantastic quality of browsing and multimedia playback.

          For this Galaxy tab, its possible to connect plug and play devices like external drives, joysticks, keyboards, mice and etc, with the help of a USB cable. The main drawback of this tab is that it comes with a 3 mega-pixelled  camera, where as the older one has an 8 mega-pixel camera.

          This device is expected to be available at a price of Rs.29000.

We will be back to you once we hear more about this new device..